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IntriEnergy Granted Solar Patent In India

IntriEnergy Inc., is pleased to announce we've been granted intellectual property protection in India, the world’s third-largest solar panel manufacturer according to the International Energy Agency.

India patent number 390862 was officially granted on Feb. 28, 2022. The patent protection covers the period from IntriEnergy’s original filing date of July 28, 2015, expanding our patent protection globally. IntriEnergy has already secured patents for these innovations in the United States and Canada and is awaiting final approval in the European Union and Hong Kong.

“Securing intellectual property protection is core to IntriEnergy’s forward-looking IP strategy. This enables the company to secure licensing, partnerships and joint venture opportunities with existing solar manufacturing companies seeking a competitive advantage in the $180 billion annual solar industry,“ IntriEnergy CEO Jackie Coffey said.

The Technology Platform, which increases energy output of a solar cell by up to 60%, includes three innovations that are a breakthrough in the solar industry. Companies that license our technology will realize an increase in the energy output of their current solar panels from 400 watts to 640+ watts, without increasing panel size. 

“With IntriEnergy’s 60% more energy technology, we can make a significant contribution to India achieving its goal of 280 GW of solar energy by 2030.” states Jeffrey Whitney, EVP of Corporate Development.

IntriEnergy is entering the final period of our equity crowdfunding campaign with the StartEngine platform Investors can become a part of IntriEnergy’s pursuit of a more sustainable energy future for as little as a $200 investment through StartEngine.

The time is now to invest in the company that is “Changing the Solar Equation™.” 

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